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Stake and Ward Directions

Stake Goals:

  • Help Wards organize & plan for ongoing Emergency Preparedness/Home Storage as well as “First Hour Response” procedures”.
  • Identify typical responsibilities of Ward Emergency Preparedness/Home Storage Specialists as well as “Block Captains” (BC).
    -Ward Emergency Preparedness/Home Storage Specialists / Block Captains DO NOT NEED any previous Emergency
    Preparedness background or expertise. They simply need to be those who will accept & follow through on an assignment.
    -BCs responsibilities are very “front loaded”. Mainly “initial” efforts in collecting names and contact information with minimal
    time needed afterwards.
  • Work with Stake Communication Specialists to develop & continually update the Stake website that will now serve also as a “central library & resource center” for Emergency Preparedness/Home Storage ideas, videos, podcasts, websites & purchase opportunities .
  • Solicit ongoing input from the neighborhoods/members as to additional videos, podcasts, websites & potential purchase opportunities that can be quickly posted on the Stake website & shared with the Holbrook Farms community (via text/email groups).
  • Identify & communicate with those in the Holbrook Farms community that are licensed HAM radio operators (& potentially expand that network). Organize a “check-in” policy.
  • Make Lehi-CERT training available & publicized on an ongoing basis.
  • Assist & Support Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialists
    -Helping them understand their functions & workings with ward leadership & their block captains.
    -Sending out monthly Newsletter with that month’s focus (ex: water, 72 hr packs, food storage, etc) & helps to each Ward Emergency Preparation/Home Storage Specialist for them to forward out to BCs (& from there to the individual homes).

    Ward Leaders

  1. Call a Ward Emergency Preparedness/Home Storage Specialist (could be an individual or couple).

  2. Decide on best “flow of information” to the Bishop in the event of an emergency (“First Hour Response procedures”). Depending on those that do not work from home, ward leaders may consider modifying/expanding the “standard chain” of response (which is ministering brothers & sisters reporting conditions to their presidents & from there to the Bishop).

  3. Ward Council members review Block Captains &/or agree on those to be “assigned” (this does not need to be a formal Church calling, rather an “assignment”). BC responsibilities could be assigned easily to Elder’s Quorum & Relief Society presidency members (including secretaries, etc.) as well as ward missionaries, all of whom already have a “vested interest” in staying in contact & helping neighbors. They could also be non-LDS who are willing.

Emergency Prep/Home Storage Specialists

  1. Work with ward leaders to have “block captains” reviewed / assigned & “First Hour Response procedures established.

  2. Create a special emergency preparedness/home storage “text & email group” which include the block captains & possibly selected ward leaders who would like to be kept informed. This will be used principally to send out “group texts & emails” (typically forwarded monthly from the Stake) with emergency preparedness/home storage info from the Stake or Ward.

  3. Work with Ward leaders to generate & maintain “excitement” regarding Emergency Preparedness/Home Storage activity.

  4. Keep an eye out for great products/buys as well as podcasts/videos with helpful subjects (to offer to block captains & the Stake).

  5. Consider having select houses equipped with an enlarged emergency-type first aid kit.

Block Captains

  1. Gather (through LDS tools or by knocking doors) cell & email info on neighbors on their “block”.

  2. Create a special emergency preparedness/home storage “text & email group” that will be used ONLY to send out “group texts (typically monthly from the Stake) with emergency preparedness/home storage info from the Stake or Ward (in this way neighbors not interested in Church contact will feel comfortable).

  3. Text a “survey” that will be provided to them by the Stake or their own to ascertain “resources” within their block. Keep a record of this & share with the Ward Emergency Preparedness/Home Storage Specialist & Ward leaders for ongoing analysis.

  4. Provide instruction (which will be provided by the Stake & should be “fine-tuned” based upon their “block”) as to what kind of “check-in” procedures will be agreed upon in the event of an “emergency”, so needs can be ascertained and forwarded to “response organizations”.

  5. Consider having a “gathering” semi-annually.

  6. Act as the lead person for gathering immediate information on their block in the event of an emergency & forward to ward.